What Month Do Begonia Young Plants Flower?

Typically, the young begonia plants flower in August. However, you can find some exceptions to this rule. For instance, begonia plants that are replanted in the fall may be flowering as early as June.


Among the many species of begonia, rhizomatous begonia young plants are among the most fascinating. They produce a variety of leaf types, and are commonly kept as houseplants. They are also known for their thick creeping root stock.

Rhizomatous begonias are best propagated by cuttings of the leaves. It is important to cut the leaves at the main veins. It is also important to cut the wax to the leaf plates. These leaves are usually papery, with thick, raised veins.

The Mexican begonia is a common home plant that has large finger-dissected leaf plates that are pinkish green and have clearly visible venation. The foliage is thick and creeping, and the flower is pinkish green with a brush-like shape.

Rhizomatous begonias usually grow best in a moist, sub-tropical environment with a humid sub-tropical climate. They have a sub-tropical evergreen forest that receives two to five meters of rain each year. The region is claimed by China as part of the Tibet area.

The Mexican begonia is regarded as one of the oldest home colors, and its flower is pinkish-green. The leaves have seven prominent veins that radiate out from a pale green eye.


Generally speaking, begonias will bloom in late spring or early summer. However, certain types of begonias need to be hardened off before they can be planted outdoors. The best way to do this is to move the plant outdoors for a day or two in the early morning.

After a couple of months, small plantlets should appear. It is also a good idea to mulch the soil around the plant. This will help keep the soil temperatures stable and prevent weed seeds from germinating.

Once the plantlets begin to appear, you can transfer the tuber to a larger pot. You can also transplant the plant into a hanging basket. Alternatively, you can plant it directly in the ground in a warm climate.

Tuberous begonias will tolerate frost, but they should be kept in a cool, frost-free spot. If you live in a cold climate, you can plant the tuber in a planter. They should be planted at least one inch deep and in shallow pots. When planting, you can add organic matter such as peat moss or compost.


Whether you’re planting a new garden, or just growing your favorite plant, you’ll be happy to know that cane-stemmed begonias are one of the easiest types of houseplants to care for. The slender, upright growth habit and attractive foliage make them popular choices for hanging baskets, window boxes, and even floor plants.

These sturdy plants grow to about five feet tall and have beautiful foliage that comes in many colors. Many varieties are variegated, and their leaves are often shaped like angel wings. Cane-stemmed begonias can be combined with other plants to create a colorful garden.

Cane-stemmed begonias should be pruned in the early summer. You’ll need to trim off dead canes and branches that are too tall. You can also prune the plant to help maintain its height and shape.

If you want to propagate begonias, you can make stem cuttings. You’ll need to make sure that the cuttings are in a pot that has the same type of soil as the plant you want to grow. You’ll also need to keep the cuttings moist.


Generally, Begonias are not very fussy plants, but you will need to take care of them. If you live in an area with cold winters, you may need to protect your Begonias from frosts during the winter. During the warmer months, Begonias can be moved outside. However, they need to be protected from extreme cold until they have finished blooming.

Tuberous begonias are good choices for hanging baskets. They can also be planted as annuals. They produce bright colors all through the summer and fall.

During the winter, tuberous begonias need to be stored indoors. They will die back in the winter and may not survive very well if they are exposed to extreme temperatures. This is why it is important to store your tubers in a frost-free shed. They can also be started in the spring.

Tuberous Begonias are more expensive than other types of Begonias. They are also more difficult to overwinter. However, if you take good care of your Begonias, you can restart them in the spring.

To start, take a small leaf that is still attached to its stem and push it into a moist soil mix. Make sure the leaf sticks out like an umbrella. It should be at least 1 inch in diameter. After a few months, small plantlets should start to appear.

Leaves shaped like angel wings

Depending on the amount of light, these flowers will grow from thick, “angel wing” shaped leaves. They are available in a variety of colors. These plants thrive in moist, warm conditions. They are a good choice for an indoor plant.

Angel wing begonias are easily propagated from cuttings. They prefer rich soil with lots of organic matter. They can be grown outdoors, but they’re best indoors in a room with good humidity and direct sunlight.

The best time to take cuttings is in the spring. Water the plant regularly and provide high phosphorous fertilizer during the blooming season. Begonias are a light feeder and should be fed at least once a week.

When watering, you should always avoid splashing the plant. It can get very swollen, so it’s a good idea to water only when the top half inch of soil dries. Watering too often can cause blotches on the leaves. If you notice that your plant has root rot, you’ll need to repot.

The Angel wing begonia has large, glossy, dark green leaves that resemble angel wings. They are usually decorated with metallic specks.


During the flowering period, it is important to water begonia young plants properly. This is because begonias are sensitive to over watering. The first sign that you may need to water is if you see a yellow ring on the leaf plates. The ring is caused by cucumber mosaic infection.

The ring also shows that your soil is too moist. If you are having trouble watering your begonias, consider using a moisture gauge. Water only when the top inch of the soil is dry.

Another sign that your begonias aren’t getting enough water is when the leaves drop off. This can be caused by over watering, too much sunlight, or low humidity.

To combat the problems, you can add a humidifier to your home. A humidifier can be set to maintain high humidity. It also helps with air circulation. You can also place a dampened rag on a heating pipe to increase humidity.

Begonias need a lot of humidity. They are not fans of wet feet or windowsills. The ideal temperature for begonias is between 65 and 75 degrees F. They also need a lot of air flow. A fan can also help with air circulation.


During the active growing season, begonias need regular feedings. You should spray a balanced water-soluble fertilizer on the plant every month. You should also apply alternate waterings to keep the plant healthy. If you do not wish to spray the plant, you can use an organic fertilizer that is available as a liquid concentrate.

To keep begonias healthy, you must maintain an adequate amount of humidity. They are very susceptible to mealybugs, spider mites, and powdery mildew. Adding peat moss to the garden soil is a good way to keep the soil moist. Adding vermiculite to the soil is also a good way to help it retain moisture.

Tuberous begonias can be grown indoors in cold areas. They require consistent moist soil and a brightly lit room. They also can be grown in a greenhouse.

If you have grown begonias in pots, you may wish to move them outside in the summer. You should place them in a shaded area and avoid direct sun.

You can also grow begonias in a greenhouse or in a sunny windowsill. You can buy begonia starter plants at garden centers. You can also take leaf cuttings from your plants.

Protecting from pests

Keeping begonias young plants protected from pests is important for a long, healthy life. There are a number of different ways to protect your plants from pests. These include basic requirements of humidity and ventilation, and chemical controls.

One of the most common begonia pests is mealybugs. These insects feed on the underside of the leaves and can spread disease. Insecticidal soap is an effective way to kill mealybugs. Mealybugs can also be controlled with predator insects like ladybugs.

Another common begonia pest is fungus gnats. These insects like to eat the young shoots of begonias. Gnats are best treated by leaving the top inch of soil dry between waterings.

Using a 10X magnifying lens can allow you to see the immature stages of these insects. Once you have spotted an infestation, it’s easier to control the problem.

There are many different kinds of mites, but the cyclamen mite is the most common. It’s best to treat your begonias with insecticides based on the instructions of the manufacturer. The use of a cotton swab in rubbing alcohol can also kill the bugs.