Kettlebell Total Body Workout Routine Popular For Fat Loss!

Have any of you “Biggest Loser” TV enthusiasts noticed the addition of the kettlebell to last season’s fat burning workout routines? When I first saw this fun workout kit, I asked myself, “What the hell is that? And how can I use it as part of my own fat-shedding workout routines?”

The kettlebell, which is commonly mispronounced as a kettlebell, was originally made of cast iron. Its shape is described as similar to a cannonball (or bowling ball) with a handle! With a weight ranging from 8 to over 80 pounds, you can probably only imagine how toned your body would look after lifting those suction cups several times a week!

Instead of pumping iron, kettlebell workouts have been described as “swinging” iron. Athletes lift and balance the kettlebell for several repetitions overhead or across the body. Lifting the kettle ball weight for several reps with little rest between sets makes the heart pump faster as part of general aerobic conditioning. Coaches use kettlebell workouts to increase strength, agility, endurance, and balance. Among exercise enthusiasts (no doubt similar to Bob and Jillian from The Biggest Loser), the kettlebell has earned a reputation for being able to fully transform and shape the entire body by combining lean and cardiovascular muscle building. .

Even though kettlebells have been around for years and years, there has been a recent resurgence in popularity. While this may be part of the Biggest Loser Effect, it is also very likely that athletes have fallen in love with how efficient a kettlebell workout routine can be for overall fat loss. It is very likely that many people use “not long enough” to get to the gym, but those excuses disappear when incorporating kettlebell routines, which can get you in shape by engaging the whole body with relatively small amounts. daily time commitment. Not to mention, many athletes find using kettlebells a fun alternative to lifting lots of weights. Since they’re easily transportable and don’t take up much space, kettlebells can be incorporated as part of a larger indoor or outdoor workout routine to get fit and shed fat.