Effective time management is a goal that we should all strive for and it is a perfectly achievable goal. Yet every day there are forces at play that threaten to thwart our best efforts, and we must constantly be on the lookout for these wastes of time.

The main problem with time wasters is that they can often be so subtle that we don’t even know about them. However, they can consume hours of every day and ruin our attempts to manage time effectively. In this article, I’ll identify some of the main culprits and what you can do about them.

Television: the biggest waste of time of all. Many people spend 70% of their free time watching television – yes, 70%! That’s almost three-quarters of our free time. I encourage you not to let this happen to you and instead think about all the other things you could do with that time. Of course, watch your favorite shows. Then after the program you like is done, do something else that you enjoy or be productive.

Clutter – This is a much more subtle waste of time that can consume a surprising amount of time. Clean up your workspace and adopt a filing system that suits your needs. Also try to be neat in your habits at home. If you do, you will find that everything has its place and allows you to work more efficiently.

Telephone: The telephone is an essential tool for business and enhances our social life. However, it can also be a source of unwanted interruptions. Learn to discipline yourself in using the phone. Be available to take calls at certain times of the day, use an answering service, and when you receive calls, keep them short and direct.

These are just three of the enemies of effective time management, but there are many more. Also be careful about wasting time on the Internet and in emails; attend meetings to waste time; and do not delegate.