I spent some of my early childhood years living on a farm. I don’t remember much from that period, but I do remember being attached to many of the animals, mainly the babies. The animals were outside most of the time, when I noticed one of them was missing I thought they had run off to be with their friends in nature. I also remember that we ate a lot of chicken.

I am now a big girl with two children of my own. I wanted my children to have a pet but I don’t like dogs and cats make me sneeze. I read that people have been bringing miniature pot-bellied pigs home as pets and the farmer in me was thrilled. Since I already ruled out having a cow in my living room, we are left with the pig.

Our pig, which my children named Piggy, was still a baby when he moved into our home. He was very playful and curious and he loved all the attention his human roommates gave him.

We all thought it was so cute how relentless little Piggy was in his search for food. Before long, Piggy knew exactly where all the food was kept. When he wanted to eat, he would poke his little nose into the cupboards or nudge the refrigerator door. I caught it with its head inside my bag a few times before I started to keep it off the ground.

When my children were one or two years old they wanted to put everything in their mouths, but as all children do, they outgrew it. I will have you know that a pig will not outgrow this habit. We had to learn that if something fell on the floor, even a paper clip or a pencil, it had to be picked up immediately or Piggy would eat it. Having a pig is like having a two year old who never grows up.

When Piggy was fully grown and weighed 127 pounds, the cute and adorable things she used to do weren’t cute and adorable anymore. Instead of pushing open the refrigerator door, Piggy could now open the door and rummage inside. Try to imagine the mess when Piggy is left alone to dig through the fridge and cupboards.

A dog begging has nothing to do with a pig begging. Pigs may aggressively try to take food away from their young. Keeping them out of the kitchen may be a solution, but that won’t stop them from banging on the door and squealing. Piggy is a very happy pig as long as he gets his way.

A pig can make a wonderful pet if you understand the constant attention and interaction they require. You and a pig could be very happy together if your life revolves around your pig. If you have children and your life revolves around them, I do not recommend having a pig.