What is Astrology?

The prediction of the future of a person (what will happen to him) based on a comparison of the zodiacal data for the moment of birth with the data of the period considered. the configuration of the planets, the sun and the moon in the sky at a certain moment.


Horoscope.com is the leading destination for free horoscope content. Offering a wide selection of free daily, weekly and monthly readings, Horoscope.com is a daily destination for the majority of its growing audience of over 5 million unique monthly visitors. The team of astrologers hand-craft all the content on the site and they constantly work together to conceptualize new and exciting content features.


The latest on astrology trends from Susan Miller, complete, complete, intelligent and accurate. Your life in 3D: culture, style, romance, money, real estate. Check this month’s horoscope, Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio Virgo, Libra…

3. Ganeshaspeaks.com

Daily Astrology, Free Today Horoscope, Love Horoscope, Daily/Today Horoscopes GaneshaSpeaks. Get accurate forecasts for star/sun/zodiac signs on love, career and more.


Astroyogi.com is recognized as the leading provider of astrology consultancy services in India. are a mobile marketplace for astrology and its related advisory services. they help clients hire trusted esoteric professionals for all their astrology needs. They have a team of young people.

5. Indianastrologyhoroscope.com

Indianastrologyhoroscope.com was founded with the mission of providing personalized online astrology consultations to each of its clients. To achieve this mission, they have a team of astrologers who are renowned and recognized throughout the world for their knowledge of the ancient principles of Vedic astrology.


Tarot.com is the world’s leading Tarot and Astrology website, with over 4 million members worldwide.

Launched in Portland in 1995, Tarot.com is part of the Daily Insight Group (DIG) and Japan’s Zappallas, Inc., which publish a network of popular horoscope, astrology, numerology, tarot, and gaming entertainment websites.

7. Click Astro

Here you can even get a prediction for the next quarter of your life! So they offer the prediction up to 25 years from the moment you approach them.

They offer a lot of free services like: daily horoscope, kundli, love compatibility, marriage horoscope, pachanga prediction, chinese horoscope, chinese love compatibility, numerology, daily panchang, feng shui, wealth horoscope and marriage horoscope.

8. Astroved.com

Well, that’s how they like to be known and from what we know, the subscribers of this portal also attest to this.

The scope is not limited to just family, love and work…they also have a special program where they test students and shed light on their weaknesses and strengths.

Plus, you can even check your name change report, birth chart report, birth star report, and much more! It is not uncommon to find your email in our inbox. You may not have subscribed to them, but you can still find them in your mailbox asking you to subscribe and sometimes offering you some free predictions.

9. astrosage.com

The look of the portal is a bit cluttered, but considering the sheer number of services they offer, you can easily overlook the design dynamics they follow.

Based in Noida, they claim to be one of the most authentic online astrology service providers.

10. Astromitra.com

The second part of his name ‘mitra’ suggests a bond of friendship. They claim to be a ‘world of astrology experts’.

From offering live astrology to hourly astrology, they also offer: career report, detailed life report, foreign travel astrology, and education horoscope. Free services include: free vedic birth chart calculator, daily horoscope prediction by date of birth, monthly horoscope, weekly horoscopes.

They also have an online store where you can buy gemstones, authentic rudraksha and report numerology name business correctness.

11. Astroyogi.com

From offering Tarot card reading to Feng Shui guidance, Astryogi is a one stop solution for whatever field of astrology you are comfortable with.

They also specialize in Vedic astrology. One amazing feature that caught our eye here was their service at Palm Reading.