The employment nondiscrimination law seems to have become law since the beginning of the Obama administration, and this will turn out to be one of the major changes in employment, it will be an unprecedented change in the legal history of all time.

This law is listed as “Title VII”, and currently lacks sexual orientation as a secluded class. This bill would create some tweaks to “Title VII” to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation. President Obama has indicated that he would prefer this law to prohibit both sexual reference point and gender identity discrimination. It will be surprising to see if gender identity is finally incorporated.

Although federal law now does not include sexual orientation or gender identity as an isolated class, many state laws offer that sexual compass reading, gender identity, or both are protected classes. So far, there are almost 13 states and Washington, DC that defend both sexual orientation and gender identity. These states are California, Colorado, Connecticut, Iowa, Illinois, Maine, Minnesota, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington.

Also, there are currently seven states that protect against sexual orientation but not against gender identity. The names of all these states are Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Hampshire, New York, and Wisconsin.

What will be the effects of this new federal law for your company? In turn, to have high-quality training, employers must follow these instructions:

1. They should add sexual orientation as a protected class in their EEO rules.

2. They should add sexual orientation as a standalone class in the Anti-Harassment Policy

3. Amend the EEO paragraph of your job application to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation;

4. Prepare managers and workers to fully understand what exactly sexual orientation discrimination and harassment means.

Ending employment discrimination is high-quality social and business rules. All employees can obtain psychological benefits if discrimination based on sexual orientation is eliminated in the workplace.