Starting a weight training routine can be confusing for many people. Health magazines are full of ideas on how to lose weight and gain strength. This is also true with the new commercials that appear year after year with new training techniques. The truth of the matter is that all of these routines work if you are willing to put in the effort. There really is no magic potion to get healthy, it just involves three things: diet, sleep, and exercise. These three must work together to get weight loss results. Starting a weight training routine will put you on the right track toward your weight loss goals.

A recommendation for the beginner is always to have a physical exam before starting a weight training program and the clearance of your doctor. Start slow and lift light weights at first to avoid any type of injury. Remember to stretch your body before and after weight training to prevent pulled muscles. It is also important to breathe during all exercises and the best practice is to exhale as you do each repetition.

Try to do 12-20 reps for each set, and do 3 sets for each of the following exercises. You should rest between 45 and 60 seconds between each series of exercises.

Independent Squat: With your legs shoulder-width apart, squat down to a position where your glutes and hamstrings are parallel to the ground. From this position, slowly rise up to the starting position.

Calf Raises: With your toes on a step or other raised surface, balance your hand slightly on a wall or railing, but don’t hold on tight. From this point, slowly raise your heels as high as possible, then return to the starting position.

Bench press: Start by lying down on a standard bench with two dumbbells that you can comfortably use for 12 to 20 repetitions. Start with both dumbbells at nipple level with your knuckles toward the ceiling. Slowly raise both dumbbells up over your chest to the ceiling and return to the starting position.

Back rows: Bend over at the waist and hold two dumbbells in your hand with your knuckles pointing toward the floor. Your arms should be hanging straight down from your chest. Slowly raise both dumbbells up to your chest, just below your nipple, and return to the starting position.

Standing Shoulder Press: While standing, hold both dumbbells next to your shoulders with your knuckles facing the ceiling. She slowly pushes the dumbbells toward the ceiling until his arms are fully extended, then returns to the starting position.

bicep curls: Standing with dumbbells in each hand, let your arms hang by your sides. While keeping your elbows firmly pressed into your rib cage area, slowly lift both dumbbells up and rotate them so that your palms are facing your shoulders. Slowly return to starting position.

This routine is a very basic weight training routine for beginners. You’ll also want to add some abdominal and cardio work on your days off. Try this routine on 3 alternate days and you will see immediate benefits.