©2017 Joan M. Newcomb

Today I am reflecting on time. I’ve had things take shape that have taken ten years to manifest. My first book, originally written in April 1996, was self-published in 2006. I am becoming familiar with money problems that have been around for at least that long, if not longer. I am in a relationship that is everything I have ever wanted, and have been consciously praying and energetically working to manifest since the early 1980’s.

Then I think about the manifestations of my early years: both of my children were planned pregnancies that occurred effortlessly, with quick deliveries, but had their own time to be born.

Why do some things happen quickly and others take forever to show up?

As a teenager, I lost 50 pounds just by tracking what I ate, limiting calories, and walking to and from school every day (about 5 or 6 miles). It took almost a year to do this, and it was tremendously transformative and empowering.

Buoyed by this experience, I set my sights on a relationship, which took about five months for the guy to date me. Initially it was wonderful but then heartbreaking.

As I look back at my different life experiences, some manifested consciously, some were drawn unconsciously, and there has been a sense of what I used to call Divine Timing in all of it.

“The Universe gives you what you can handle” is one way I used to look at it. You attract what you are prepared for, it is another way. I have resisted what I thought the Universe was giving me; sometimes I’d say “he thinks I’m too fucking capable”.

But now I have a different perspective as Consciousness, reformulating my experience of time and also of manifestation.

It is not the Universe giving me anything, it is me as Consciousness creating everything that I experience in the physical.

Someone once mentioned that reincarnation didn’t make any sense to them because everything happened at once. I got the instant understanding that there is no time or space like Awareness, so from the perspective of Awareness, all past and future lives are happening ‘at the same time’ as this one. There is no linear link from the past to the future, it is not like moving up a grade in school. And if you can understand that in Consciousness there is no individuality, then there really is not a spark of light going through a series of experiences (such as grades in school). As aspects of Consciousness, we simply jump into the pool of life, splash around, and then jump into All-That-Is.

As I realize that it took me so long to get to where I am, I realize that it really didn’t take me any time at all. Every life is just a blink of an eye. And what I have accomplished in this is just a glimpse of the great Spark of all creation.

As I relax into a perspective of creation as Awareness, it doesn’t really matter how much or how little I have accomplished. It is about Creation. It is about playfully creating in the physical. Either I manifest something, or I don’t. Either it happens now, or later, or not. I believe this, or I believe something else. And I can choose to create happy thoughts, happy or challenging experiences.

When I switch to navigating life as Awareness, what appears is bigger than my little mind can imagine.

And when you add the consciousness of Parallel Universes to the mix, you realize that you, as Consciousness, are simultaneously experiencing other possibilities within this story. There is a parallel self that has experienced success earlier in life, there is a parallel self that is already experiencing what I want to create right now.

Whatever you want to create, it already exists, you just need to enter the Universe where you already have it.

It becomes a much more fun way to experience life. And I can welcome all these wonderful things that come into my life and enjoy my time with them Now. Which is really the only time there is.

Revised 2017, original publication 2009