If you’re dealing with perioral dermatitis, no matter how long you’ve been dealing with the condition, chances are you’ve wondered if anything will bring about a complete cure. I wondered the same thing many times. You see, I was healed of Perioral Dermatitis (POD), and I am committed to declaring hope and offering practical solutions to others.

There are two main directions this article could take because I believe there are two main components to healing from POD. One is the physical side: your body and your skin. The other is in the invisible realm: your thinking and your emotions. I am not a doctor or psychologist, and yet I have years of experience with myself and others exploring the vast realms of health and wellness.

For the purposes of this article, I am going to discuss solutions relevant to your body and skin.

I used the word “natural” in my title because I want to convey information that comes from the organic world, so to speak. Your doctor may have prescribed antibiotics and/or a topical gel or cream. You must decide if that path is for you or a combination of natural remedies and medicine.

These are the products I used to heal myself from perioral dermatitis and most of the ones I still use today for my general health:

1. AKN Skin Care Supplement, by Nature’s way

Herbal blood detoxifier, comes in capsules.

2. Wash your face with Neem Soap

Neem is a wonderful oil from India for the skin and with great healing properties. You can find Neem soap at your local health food store.

3. Apply a combination of Lavender-Tea Tree Oil-Grapeseed Oil

Mix 10-15 drops each of lavender and tea tree oils with 2 tablespoons of grapeseed oil and apply 1-2 times daily to skin.

4. Oregano oil capsules

Oregano oil is known to be a powerful antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, and antiparasitic oil that can reduce pain and inflammation and effectively fight infection.

5. Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar

Mix two scoops of ACV with 16oz of water and drink. Sometimes I add honey and sometimes not. Apple cider vinegar is a powerful antioxidant and balances pH levels, which reduces yeast in the body.

6. Tom’s of Maine SLS-Free Toothpaste

You want to remove the sodium lauryl sulfate from your toothpaste, as well as the fluoride. For some people, these are strong culprits for perioral dermatitis.

Now that I’m POD free, I can use SLS products if I want to.

And no one disputes the fact that SLS is an irritant to the skin and eyes.

7. SLS-Free Shampoo, Soap, and Lotion

You can most likely find these products at your local grocery chain or, for sure, at a health food store. Burt’s Bees claims that all of its products are free of SLS.

I recommend taking a relaxed approach to your healing as much as possible. That may sound crazy to many of you! I know I just wanted to END Perioral Dermatitis! My best friend kept encouraging me to “slow down” and “chill out” because her anxiety about my skin condition only made things worse.

So your homework is this: Take a breath, look in the mirror, and be kind to your skin. You are not this disease! All of the products I mentioned are good for ALL of you, so try them with a holistic mindset and not just to get rid of POD. I think that mindset will really support faster healing on your way. Here’s to your abundant health!