When it comes to nutrition, what is the first thing that usually comes to mind?

Most people would say VITAMINS!

But in summary, that is not even the half.

See, there is much more to health and nutrition than what is presented in the media and medical industries.

Vitamins represent less than 20% of the daily essential nutrients! (Essential* means that the body requires it, but does not produce it)

If you really push yourself, you can consume all your vitamins, amino acids (protein building blocks), and fatty acids from plants (products).

This is because plants CAN produce these nutrients.

They take carbon out of the air and create carbon chains through photosynthesis.

What most people don’t understand, however, is that the amount of nutrients your body can actually absorb and utilize depends solely on one other essential nutrient.

That cofactor comes in the form of specific minerals.

Before you disregard this statement, consider this for a moment…

Plants do NOT produce minerals of any kind!

They MUST be sucked out of the ground!

If the soil is deficient in some essential mineral, you can be sure that the plant is deficient in that mineral!

It has been shown both chemically and biochemically that any living vertebra (human or animal) requires 60 essential minerals to maintain itself!

Whereas, plants only require 3… Any good farmer or tiller knows that NPK (Nitrogen-Phosphorus-Potassium) is the only combination of minerals necessary for plants and vegetation to grow and produce the highest yields.

Look, farmers get paid by the ton and bushel. There is no incentive for them to add minerals to your soil! These floors are overworked and overused!

The minerals are gone, and with a flood, they will NOT return!

You do not believe me? Take a look at US Senate Document #264 of the 74th Congress and let the evidence speak for itself. (found at the end of this article)

Therefore, if the minerals are not in the plants, they are not in you!

Did you know that there is not a single function in your body that can be carried out without minerals?

That air, food, energy, vitamins, proteins, hormones and enzymes CANNOT be used without one or more of these mineral cofactors!?

Now, you may be supplementing with a daily multivitamin or multimineral, but understand this.

A supplement is only as good as your body’s ability to absorb it!

You are not what you eat… YOU ARE what you absorb!

Most of today’s supplements are in pill form. These pills are toxic and poorly absorbed in our body.

They are metallic or ‘elemental’ minerals, consisting essentially of ground up rock, things like oyster shells, eggshells, dolomite, limestone, calcium carbonate, clays of various kinds, and minerals from the seabed.

This form is ideal for plant consumption, but when it comes to humans, its bioavailability (absorbability) is only 8-12%.

This drops to 3-5% once you reach the age of 35-40+.

Chelated (key-lated) minerals are metallic, with a protein or enzyme wrapped around them, increasing their absorption by approximately 40%.

The idealistic mineral form is colloidal minerals derived from plants.

They have a very small particle size, approximately 7,000 times smaller than a red blood cell.

Each particle is negatively charged (-) and since your intestinal lining is positively charged (+), they actually have an electrical or magnetic gradient that concentrates these minerals around the lining of your intestine.

Plants convert metallic minerals in the soil, in their tissues, to colloids or colloidal form, and this is how we store them in our bodies.

So we also transplant them from the storage place to the place of use, in colloidal form.

These 3 things together create a 98% efficient absorption into the BODY!

Mineral deficiencies are understood to be the main limiting factor for:

  • Health
  • athletics
  • Endurance
  • Longevity

“You can trace every sickness, disease, and ailment to a MINERAL deficiency” – Dr. Linus Pauling

Believe it or not, if properly cared for now, it can live to be 120-140 years of age!

Those people you see who are over 100 years old should be the NORM, not the exception.

I’ll give you some examples so you can see what I mean:

In East Pakistan there is a group of people called the Hunza who are famous for their longevity, typically living to be between 120 and 140 years.

Next, in what is now western Russia, are long-lived Russian Georgians made famous in the 1970s by Dannon Yogurt.

To the south of them are the Armenians, the Abkhazians and the Azerbaijanis, who were studied for 60 years because they typically lived to be between 120 and 140 years old.

In the Western Hemisphere the Vilcabamba Indians in the Andes of Ecuador are famous for living very long.

Then, in the southeast of Peru, there are the Titicaca, who are also famous for living between 120 and 140 years.

Even Americans can live a long life, despite what many consider to be bad diets and bad habits.

As of 2010, there were 53,364 people in the US who were 100 years of age or older.

Long-lived cultures have certain common denominators.

  • They all live in high mountain towns, which are between 8,500 and 14,000 feet in elevation.

  • All receive less than 2% precipitation each year.

  • They have no rain, snow or dew. (Very dry places)

  • They get all their drinking water and all their irrigation water for their crops from what we call ‘Glacial Milk’.

The glaciers in each of those communities grind down the bedrock of those mountains, about 4 inches per year. There may be 60 to 72 minerals in each of these locations.

The water coming out from under those Glaciers is not clear like Perrier or Evian Water. You take a glass and hold it up and it looks like Jersey Milk.

They have watered with it, year after year, crop after crop, generation after generation, for 2,500 to 5,000 years.

They have no diabetes, no heart disease, no high blood pressure, no arthritis, no osteoporosis, no cancer, no cataracts, no glaucoma, no birth defects, no prisons full of drug addicts, no taxes, and no DOCTORS!

Yet they live 120-140 years without DISEASE!

Are these colloidal minerals important?

You bet your life that they are important and every time you do not take them every day you are cutting a few hours or a few days of your life…

Every animal and human being that dies from ‘natural causes’ actually dies from a nutritional deficiency!

If longevity is something you would like to achieve, you need to:

90 essential nutrients in your BODY every day:

  • 60 minerals

  • 16 vitamins

  • 12 essential amino acids that are the building blocks of protein

  • 2-3 essential fatty acids

If you don’t have these in full numbers and optimal amounts, you are eventually going to have a deficiency disease.

A phrase that has killed more people than all the wars in American history… You get all the nutrition you need from all four food groups.

Information gives you the ability to make decisions with confidence.

I hope you enjoyed my message!