Hardest Day of Keto

The hardest day of keto happens in the first few days after you begin the diet. During these days, you’ll experience a few initial challenges, such as fatigue and cravings for carbs. But, these are only temporary setbacks on your journey to a healthier you. Staying focused, seeking support, and keeping a positive mindset will help you overcome the toughest parts of the keto diet.


When you cut out carbs, your body’s glycogen stores run dry. This is a huge change for your body that relies on glucose to operate. Without these stored carbs, your brain, muscles, and organs will have to switch to using fat for fuel instead. This can cause a feeling of fatigue, irritability, and general malaise. In addition, the lack of carbs can also cause you to lose a significant amount of water weight.

You can combat these early difficulties by consuming plenty of healthy, filling fats, protein, and low-carb veggies. The best options for these meals include eggs, meats, fish, low-carb fruits like berries, and dairy, such as butter and cheese. You should also drink lots of water to keep yourself hydrated. If you crave sugary drinks, try substituting them with black coffee or tea, which contain no carbs at all.

What’s the Hardest Day of Keto?

Moreover, you can try eating higher-carb foods on occasion to give yourself a “cheat day” from the keto diet. However, be sure to limit your carb intake to under 50 grams per day to avoid throwing your body out of ketosis. It’s also a good idea to eat high-quality proteins, such as lean beef and chicken, to maintain muscle mass while following the keto diet.

It’s also important to note that even though you can lose a lot of weight quickly on a low-carb diet, you can gain the weight back just as fast if you eat carbs again. This is because our bodies store each gram of carbohydrates with water, so when you stop eating carbs, your body will expel that excess water and may gain the weight back.

While the traditional ketogenic diet advocates for a consistent low-carb intake, the Healthy Keto Diet recognizes the potential benefits of carb cycling and cyclical ketosis for certain individuals. Carb cycling involves alternating between higher and lower carbohydrate days to promote metabolic flexibility and prevent adaptation to a strict low-carb diet. Similarly, cyclical ketosis involves cycling periods of strict ketosis with higher carb refeed days, typically once a week. This approach may be particularly beneficial for athletes, active individuals, or those seeking long-term adherence to a ketogenic lifestyle while minimizing potential side effects.

In the early stages of the keto diet, it’s important to make meal planning and preparation a priority. It’s also a good idea for people starting the keto diet to prepare a few of their favorite recipes and have easy, healthy keto snacks available when hunger strikes. In the long run, this will prevent you from reverting to old habits and slipping out of ketosis.