There is a Divine Selection in every area of ​​your life. In the spiritual realm there is only perfection. There is no fear, doubt or worry. Everything exists perfectly. You live in a physical dimension here on earth. There is a struggle to understand and balance the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels because we have been taught that it is difficult or unattainable. However, there is a simple understanding that can bridge the gap between the physical and the spiritual. It’s called the spoken word. Behind every word you say there is an energy attached to it. If you speak in anger, your result is chaotic. If you speak for love, your result is peaceful. If you speak out of fear, your outcome is delayed or distorted.

To bring into your life what you want, you must first be aware of what you want. What is it that will bring lasting happiness and satisfaction to your life? Are you willing to do what you have to do to have it? If you know what you want and are willing to do what you have to do, then you have already let go of the attachment to how it should happen. The #1 block to creating what we want is our attachment to how things should be. This is also called fear.

There is a divine selection for everything you desire. This means that your absolute perfect creation, your divine purpose is waiting for you to acknowledge it. Its purpose involves the feelings of bliss, happiness, excitement, and fun. It shouldn’t feel like work. Sometimes it just takes a shift in perception to realize that you too are living your purpose. If we are not in sync spiritually, nothing will feel completely satisfying.

When you say what you want out loud, you cause a chemical change in your body. The cells of your body respond to your thoughts and to the power and feeling behind your words. That is why people who have negative thoughts have wrinkles on their face and crooked demeanor. People who have positive thoughts and are active in self-development have a shine to them. Our thoughts and words are that powerful. As a result, your environment will reflect what you send out in thought, word, and action.

If you want to bring something new into your life, you must first trust that you are meant to have it. God, your creator, the Universe, has your best interests in mind. That means you’re supposed to have the best of the best. Saying simple affirmations or statements begins to dissolve any fearful or doubtful thoughts you may have about what you would like to have in your life. Imagine the possibility that by speaking and believing what you say, your demonstration or perfect result will come. We should be excited to see how God will fulfill our wants and needs today, without worrying about how things might or might happen now or how we should prepare for the worst.

Your subconscious mind does not know the difference between reality and illusion. If you feel something strongly and repeat it, then the subconscious mind considers it true and begins to find ways to manifest it. Here are some statements that you can repeat that will start to make some changes in your subconscious mind.

The Divine Plan of my life is now fulfilled in the most miraculous ways.

My Divine Soulmate/Partner/Divine Soul is now brought to me under the law of grace in the most miraculous of ways. We are made one now and forever.

My Divine Career now manifests. I am excited to see how the Divine Work of my life unfolds before me.

Every cell in my body is radiant. I’m cured I’m cured I’m cured

My happiness pours through me. Happy circumstances now happen and I see the work of the Divine in everything I do.

You can apply these statements to different areas of your life by changing some of the words. An affirmation should be a command with hope and gratitude. The spiritual realm surpasses the rational mind. As you work with creation from a spiritual point of view, you will find that the way things happen in your life may not make complete sense. When your wishes begin to appear, laugh and enjoy the wonders of this spiritual gift that we have all received. It is wonderful! If you try to reason how everything is turning out, then you put a stop to God’s miraculous ways.

You must trust that spiritual law is always working. You must trust that how your desires manifest is real. You must trust that God and the Universe will fulfill your wishes as you ask. Question declaring it! It is your right to have the happiness you deserve and now is the time to do things in a different light.

Have an unshakable FAITH. Find a support system. BELIEVE even when you can’t see it in front of you yet. You can always see it and keep the image in your mind. What you have in your mind, will happen before you. TRUST that the way things look in your life right now is only temporary. By changing your mind, you change your words, you change your actions, you change your life. Bless each other by saying affirmations to each other. When you speak in love for each other, you create harmony, peace and more love. You help others fulfill and live their purpose. As a result, you are also blessed with everything you desire.

The possibilities are truly endless. May all your dreams come true! They are meant to!